Saturday, May 15, 2010

I just watched my good friend graduate from high school...
I have many thoughts. Many more feelings, but under it all is the knowledge that God will care for her no matter where she goes. It is my deepest prayer for her that she will always follow Him first, because I know that He has more blessings lined up for her there. However, no matter where she goes, I hold to His love for her, and His guiding hand in her life. I am so happy to see, my quiet, introverted, humble friend, laugh and joke with strangers tonight. I am always blessed by her smile, it was so uplifting to see her beaming from ear to ear, in spite of her exhaustion. God has truly made a masterpiece in her and I am sure beyond doubt, that He will continue to do so in her as long as she runs with perseverance after His heart. This is for you Nikki. You are a masterpiece dear sister. Never forget His unending love for you.  I love you very much dear.
This ones for you beloved sister. May God pour out His blessings upon you with all the awesome measure of His infinite imagination.
I love you very much Nikki, please remember that you have a brother a little ways behind you who is eager to hear every new thing God does in you.