Monday, June 21, 2010

Lewis Strikes Again

This is the last glass of tea tonight. I promise. (it's 6:43am)
I've allready forceably, and against my will, closed the cover on my copy of God In The Dock. I highly recamend this book. It's simply... Well, it's the best of Lewis. It's the Christian worldview, not exactly simply, but clearly, without the muck of philosophical abstractions who's primery importance in the big picture is the amusement of the arguers. I've just been reading Lewis's essay titled Miracles. I deem this an absolute must read for every Christian who has lived for any amount of time within a "western civilization." The vastness of God's miraculous acting in "our" world is astonashing. To put in in my own words - God is like a masturful pianist, and creation is His insturment. But sometimes He does something unexpected. Occaisionally He will reach out, and hammer the strings directly instead of letting the piano do the same thing in a more "normal" way. Sometimes He even plucs them, or plays upon them with a bow. All in perfect time, each bringing new flavor to the masturpiece He is performing. Let's not close our ears to every sound that isn't "normal" for a piano to make. Let us allways keep at the forefront of our minds the reality of the Pianist.

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