Saturday, November 21, 2009

Impromptu Thoughts On Abortion

I may throw a wrench into things with this but this is what I believe to be true.

I think the question is a dodge; an attempt to rephrase the subject in such a manner thatis debatable. “Is that flesh alive?” or even “Does it have a soul?”, aren't really the question. The question should be “Can we prove that it's not alive?” It's not a matter of if it's dead; if it is, then we can't kill it let alone murder it. But can we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the fetus is not a human being with a soul whom we would be murdering to remove and tear apart? Is it reasonable, is it conscionable, to kill that which we can not be sure is dead? If they are right it doesn't matter. If they are wrong however, as most of us believe them to be, for admittedly religious reasons, then they are the worst of murderers and vile human beings who have committed the most heinous crime that can be committed against another human in the taking of a life which is not yet blemished by sins (sin nature is another issue) which has done you no wrong, and with no means of defending themselves. How can we look upon the holocaust and say that was evil and yet be blinded by cheap rhetoric and clever restatement of the issue when it comes to the murder of tens of thousands of innocent human lives. Will we be silent while the hammer of justice denies it's duty? No! We must climb the arm of the legislature, walk along the bridge of law, and jump upon the hammer of American justice until the hand that holds it up becomes too weary to with hold justice from those who deserve it.

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